These plans (sometimes called “Medigap” insurance) may help pay some of the healthcare costs that Medicare Parts A and B don’t, like coinsurance, copayments or deductibles.
Medigap plans are standardized; however, all of the standardized plans may not be available in your area. (
These plans may help you pay some of your health care costs that Medicare doesn’t cover.
Plan A is the cheapest insurance available. Plan B covers more than Plan A but costs more money. Plan C is the most expensive option, but it provides the highest coverage for your needs. Choose a plan that suits your budget and medical history. You can get a price estimate from the insurer before buying a policy.
How to buy a Medigap policy
In most states, Medigap plans are standardized, so they’re usually called Plan A through Plan N. Choose which plan works best for you by comparing the pros and cons of each one.
Find policies in your area. Price is the only difference between policies with the same letter sold by different companies.
When is the best time to buy a plan?
The Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment period starts on the 1st day of the 1st month in which you’re age 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B. In some states, you can buy a plan on the 1st day you’re enrolled in Medicare Part B, even if you’re not yet 65.
If you meet certain criteria, such as applying during your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period, or if you qualify for guaranteed issue, a company can’t use your medical history to determine your eligibility. Rules in some states may vary.
See plans in your area
View plans with their premiums and copays. You can also see if the drugs you take are now covered and what they’ll cost based on your plan choice.
If you choose Medicare Supplement insurance, you can buy dental and vision or dental-only insurance to complement your coverage in most states.
Request a quote from us today. You may be able to get better prices by buying sooner than later. When you’re ready to buy a policy, contact us for a free quote.